Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Random thoughts

#NP Pharrell & The Yessirs --- You Can Do It Too

Its funny how life's everyday teaching makes me feel my mind is forever a piece of clay being molded over & over. The things I once held high are now seen as so low, I wouldn't be my knees to touch em.  The women I used to adore are the ones I wouldn't waste my juice on. ***For the record...I haz no juice lol***

At one point in time I used to think I could save the world....and by the world I meant my people. I know think about how silly that thought was. To try and rescue those who are plugged in to society cannot be saved by those that are wireless to the game. I mean....maybe its a reflection of my upbringing combined with my grade school experiences that lead me to my current thought process. Maybe it was that one day that the world went black that did it...i think it was that day in my opinion...but that's neither here nor there.

I appreciate the many outspoken strong minds I've met. Social media + a strong opinion creates for a very good debating platform. Like...a person with a mind that is open to receiving the views of others without becoming hysterical is something I pride myself on. I am human and at times i can get in my feelings.....but fuckin human....what more do you want from me. But take ma friend "Trench" for example.....the girl is just deep on a whole 'nother level. And without saying a word to her sometimes I see the opinions she has and I'm able to compare them to my own....all because of social media. I dont know how many people take advantage of the opportunity of receiving millions of opinions and seeing how society matches up to your own thoughts...but maybe people should.....ehh who knows.

I have an all nighter to complete and its only I'll get back to doing what the hell I was doing before my mind decids to become all kinds of clouded nshyt.....Night America.....Hello NightOwls.....

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