Monday, February 25, 2013

My Alarm Clock

Everyone has an alarm clock with some annoying pattern that 90% of the time their body will recognize and will awaken. While I do have that annoying beep pattern to ensure that I am awake, what wakes me up is something totally different. I recently came across a clip of Jackson State University's band playing their "Blowing Fanfare"...the power is so raw, I decided that it would be my alarm. Works like a charm!


 I'm such a band geek

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Mistakes, we all make em, but I often wonder when do you actually have a chance to correct the mistakes that will forever change the course of life you're on. often do you replay the nightmares of bad days in your head wondering when you'll have another crack at it. People make second chances seem like they'll always come around, when in reality, they are few & far in between. We lose when we dwell on the past, the only way to correct our mistakes & shortcomings is to learn from them & apply in similar situations. Its similar because the variables will change the next time you are faced with a difficult decision. Its up to  you to be ready......
