Tuesday, September 23, 2014

100%???? Yeah Right....

These days we live in a world where people live by the "Keep it 100" code. As that's really admirable...like its really admirable. You should strive for saying what you feel 100% of the time. But often I notice that you just can't keep it all the way 100. Now there could be several factors that could assume responsibility for this phenomena. Every person and situation is different. So many different variables and factors and people and things to consider. Its enough to make your head spin.

But my gripe here today comes in when someone NEEDS that 100. For their own good, for their own sake, their humanity. Some will come in right about now with the usual excuses like, "Its not my place" or "You wouldn't like my answer"...or even the lovely "Its not what you wanna hear right now..." Shyt like that....grinds my fuggin gears man. If you know the person in question like you'd claim to, then you have to deliver your opinion. Expose their life to a new angle that could push them in the direction that could be more beneficial to them.

Instead of the tough love that's desperately needed, people oft turn to dishing out "Facebook Status Responses". For those that don't understand what that is...lemme break it down for you. You ever log into your facebook and you seem some sappy "I need some attention" type status? Of course you do, because that's what that status box is for. The "Hey! Welcome to my life and whats going on in it box" But anyways the "positive responses" under said box feel all kinds of generic and hallmark cardish....

Sometimes I feel thats the kind of responses I get from people. And to be honest....I hate it. Makes me feel like keeping it all to myself because people don't know me well enough to give it to me raw.......(at 2am...that entire sentence was just all.....smh) But yea..I mean....its the truth. People should respect the fact that whether you like it or not I'm gonna tell you the complete truth about how I feel about a certain situation you want my opinion on. So why can't I get the same in return. Am I too weak-minded? Is that it....hell I don't know.

Damn I'm hungry.......TO THE KITCHEN....Peace 

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