Thursday, September 4, 2014 question what point in time did the concept of "opinion" disappear off the face of the earth? How is it that if someone doesn't like a person, place, idea, or concept like you do, it is then ok, to attack this person's credibility and/or lifestyle or basically their opinion? Strange world we live in. People now have platforms where their 2 cents can be heard and felt at any time. But if someone were to DIRECTLY disagree with said 2 cents, you'll go out your way to belittle said person.

How does this work? When did this happen? People are so weak in their own mind where they can't accept the fact that someone sees a certain concept differently from  you. There is absolutely nothing wrong with hearing another person out and still holding on to your own opinion. I mean....that is the basis of opinion right? Everyone can have their own that can be molded or shaped by what the eyes & ears take in & other influences. People are forever evolving mentally, both in a positive & negative manner. But it is very important to see that in order to make it far in this life, you have to not be so thin skinned. Everyone is not gonna like you, your mind, your ideas.......


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