Friday, September 12, 2014

Field of Dreamz (October 25, 2008 at 4:08am)

In a field of dreams
Not a sound can be heard
But naw, listen close
Nd you'll hear the sound
the sound of hope
escapin' a time of darkness' past
I mean a time wen
Happiness was put on blast by hate
Hate was feared by hope
Hope was a hoe
Spread herself open to tha world with no promise
Tha lack of promise angered envy
Envy turned to happy to forget about the bad
But happy was too high to make the good times last.
The good times turned bad,
Thingz flipped, cuz the gravity of life pulled
PUlled thingz away from the way that it should
Should go, should be,
tha things that we should see, 
tha way that thingz should be
began to reverse gravitate
away from the field of dreams
So that all that was left
were cries
Cries of my own demise
Cries of the wise
Cries of all that once saw blue skies
Those eyes saw nothing but lies
Wat used to be dreams turned into fantasy
But these weren't fantasies of dreams to come true
Fantasies of thingz to cloud their mind
Fantasies of thingz to want but never thingz to do
The cries grew louder as those around the field sank into a false reality
Calling for a change,
Calling for a way out
Calling for a new life 
A way out of their bind.
But how can someone from the outside...
Help the cries in the Field of Dreamz
Wen tha Field of Dreamz
Is Inside Of My Mind????


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